
Thursday, 17 November 2016

Once a upon a time there was a pirate and his name was max and he lived in pirat ship. One day max went hunting for food in the forest. First he saw a pig. Then the pig galloped to the great big swamp. Next max fullvowed the pig and he made a amazing trap in the forest. Sullddenly max went to see if the pig had been trapped. After that there was something in the trap. Finally max had the pig and he ate the pig.

Pirate Max

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Tree house

Onec upon a time there was a boy called jack and he lived in an awesome tree house. One day the bridge come off. Come off. First he was up set. Then jack went to get his tools not of the box to fix the bridge. After that he was surprised that he fix the bridge. Suddenly he went to play on the beautiful swing. Finally there went to have some food 

Monday, 19 September 2016

Ben The Giant

Ben giant

Once a upon a time there was a giant and his name was Ben and he lived in a beautiful forest of feathers. One day he saw some dragons and they were haveing a party.  Next some witches came to the party. Then the witches threw down some spells at the land of giants. After that the giants got some weapons. First the giants went to kill the whiches. Sometimes the giants brought a friend to come and party with the giants suddenly the giants made an enormous hole in the land of giants. Finally they went in the hole to lived in the beautiful hole.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Larry the lion

Once upon a time there was a lion and his name was Larry. One night his family was hunting. First he waited for adeea to come past. Next he saw the deer was running. Then the lion was galloped the to kill the deer for his family.  After that he dragged the deer home. Finally they ate the deer and they went to clean there I kclaws in the river.