
Thursday 20 May 2021

Matheson Bay Snorkelling

last week the year 7s went on a cool trip to Matheson bay.  I learned lots of things from them and when we went into the sea it looked so amazing I saw kinas and triple fins. I felt so happy because that was my first time going snorkeling.

When we were heading back to school it took so long because the bus stopped about five times.When we arrived at pt England school i looked at the time and it was 4:40 so i had to walk all the way to my Nanas house.

On Friday the whole team 7s were doing lots of fun stuff.Like cooking drawing and teamwork.After lunch time the whole team 7s bring out there food.And started to watch coco i didn't watch much because i was to busy eating.

Bronson Ph water Temperature


Monday 10 May 2021

Fractions Recap


Rotuma Language week

 Ministry for Pacific Peoples — Rotuman Language Week 2021

Noa’ia That’s hello in the Rotuma Language. My information report today will share with you some important facts about Rotuma .

Rotuma is located in the southern hemisphere.There are 4 island near there is tuvalu to the north and to the east we have samoa and to the south we have fiji and to the west Vanuatu.

The Population of Rotuma is 1,594 less than 2,000 people on the island. Most Rotuma people live on fiji.The population of Rotuma people living on fiji is 10,000.

The two most languages spoken on Rotuma are english and rotuma.There are only 15,000 speakers of the rotuman language in the world.

Rotuma people try to get some people of their own to try to speak their language.Because it's very important because if there is a house on fire and it's an old lady and doesn't know how to speak english she could die.

Go here for more information

Wednesday 5 May 2021

kiwi kid news science


today we went on kiwi kids news to found some inserting stuff. One was about the biggest dinosaur ever sadly there are no more dinosaur. The other one was about spaceship to clean up space unveiled and the last one was about Earth spinning faster than 20 years ago.   

Monday 3 May 2021

Watch this space term 2


My favourite part about the immersion Assembly was when Mrs carter did her dance in front of the hole school.I love it because she wasn't shy and she made the whole school laugh.And i love it how they rapped about the solar system.

 What i learnt about was the solar system about there are 8 planets.what i really want to learnt about is the moon and Uranus.

team 1 solar system,planets, world,earth
team 2 Guardians of the Galaxy.
team  3 Rona and the moon 
team 4 sun,moon,earth 
team 5 sun-where dose the sun goes 

i love all of the teachers acts that it was creative and so confident